Who is NorthBuyers.com?

NorthBuyers.com connects homeowners with a network of trusted local real estate investors across the country. Each of our investors operates locally, which means you get faster, higher cash offers from experienced professionals in your area.

How does your process work?

Our process is straightforward:

Is a cash home buyer right for me?

It depends on your goals. If you want a fast, all-cash offer without repairs, fees, or open houses, NorthBuyers.com may be the right choice. However, cash offers are typically less than market listing prices, as we cover repairs, closing costs, and expedite the sale.

Will you offer a fair price for my house?

We aim to make fair offers. Our cash offers reflect current market value minus estimated repair costs and selling expenses. We provide all the benefits of a straightforward, fast sale with no hidden fees or repairs needed.

Are you just going to list my house on the market?

No, we buy houses directly. Once purchased, we may renovate the property before reselling or keeping it as a rental. If listing with an agent better suits your needs, we’re happy to refer you to a trusted agent in your area.

Should I be listing my house with a real estate agent?

It depends on your property, timeline, and selling goals. We’re happy to assess your situation and provide honest recommendations on whether working with a real estate agent or going with a cash sale is best for you.

How do you buy homes nationwide?

NorthBuyers.com has a network of local investors across all major markets, ensuring we have experts in your area ready to provide personalized offers. Our network allows us to serve sellers nationally while maintaining local expertise.

Is there any obligation when I submit my information?

No. You’re under no obligation when submitting your property details for a cash offer. We offer a free, no-strings-attached quote so you can explore your options without any pressure.

Do I need to clean or make repairs before moving out?

Not at all! We buy homes as-is, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning or repairs. Leave behind any items you don’t want— we handle everything after closing.